Sunday, July 11, 2010

Week from Hell

I recently got really sick. I almost never go to the doctor so if I say I am going in then you know I really have something going on. So far they still have no clue what is wrong with me. I have had more symptoms than you can imagine but the one that keeps lingering on is this numbness and tingling sensation I have running throughout my body. I also have a high white blood cell count. I will post more on what it is when I find out. My wonderful mother came up and stayed with my for several days to take care of my boys and me.

When she left I was hoping that my husband would step up to the plate. Aren't husband's supposed to be your partner and be there for you? Isn't the vows in sickness and in health? I have never been so disappointed. I should not have to take care of my boys and myself when I am sick. It is just not right. I bend over hand and foot on the kids and my husband every day. I can count numerous things that I do for him on a daily basis. What has he done for me? What makes me stay in this relationship? He would probably say he works for me. Which is true but he would have been doing this anyway. He is obsessed with his job. Shouldn't family come first?

1 comment:

Kelly and Liam said...

I agree with you KT 100%. We slave and give up so much to take care of everyone else. I stay at home and my husband works. He doesnt help out a lot with Liam b/c he says he brings home the $. Men...they make no sense...priorities get twisted. You arent a paycheck tell are a parent.