Being a Successful Mom While Being in a Relationship
Life is all about balance. In order to be a good mother you need to be able to balance your time well. I believe it is extremely important to make sure you have time in your schedule for family, partner, friends, and just you. Sometimes we lose who we are because as moms we are always worried about taking care of everyone else but ourselves.
Family time is extremely important. There needs to be time set a side every week where the tv and all electronics are shut off and you all get time to talk. It could be talking over dinner, talking over playing a board game, in the car on the way home from picking your children up from school or activities. Having good communication with the family is a key element to a successful family. Get to know each other. Share your days and you will feel rewarded that you are more deeply connected to your family.
Partner time is also crucial in being a successful mom. Couples need time to be deeply connected as well. Plan a date night at least once a month if not more. Mark it on your calendar and do not take it off. Take time to connect with your partner. Having a healthy relationship with your partner is so important. Also, make time to talk to each other about your children. Make sure you are both educated on what is going on in your families lives. Just remember to always be open minded and willing to work hard because no relationship is perfect. There are always ups and downs in life but setting time aside to bond with each other is needed!
Friend time is also very important. Some people feel once they are in a relationship that they need to spend time with only their significant other and that is it. This is not healthy. You need to be your own person. Being your own person means you do have a life outside your partner and kids. Go hang with friends and make your significant other stay with the kids. I love and need my girl time whether it is meeting someone for coffee, going to dinner or a movie. It is so nice to chat with the girls. It also helps me vent about the drama in my home life. A lot of times these friends will be going through similar situations and can bring a whole new perspective to the table. It is so important not to bottle things inside. This is why I love my girl time I can release anything I am feeling and they also know I am there to lend an ear when they need advice or just someone to vent to. Make time for your friends it is so rewarding!
Me time is the part most of us forget to do. We all need to make time to for ourselves. I know when my me time is needed. There are times when I am on edge and losing my patience with the kids and that is when I look at my husband and say, I need to take a break can you please take over? During my me times I like to read, or take a hot bath, or head out and run. Find something that makes your forget all your worries and de-stress. Maybe it is shopping, swimming, painting or whatever it may be, just do it and you will feel so much better when you are done. When you are de-stressed you will be a better mom because you will be ready to tackle the kids with a clear head.
Just remember if mama ain't happy nobody is happy and in order for mama to be happy you have to balance family, partner, friends and yourself!
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