Thursday, October 31, 2013

Stressed to the Max

Ever have one of those days where you just feel like you are losing your marbles?

Man oh Man, I am having one of those days. I have this overwhelming sense that I am just not making anyone happy lately. On top of that I have this incredible fear of failure. I do not like to make mistakes, nothing anyone can say to me will make me feel any worse than I already have made myself feel if I ever mess up. I am an overachiever, I like to push myself to know everything I can. Be it learning to be a better mom, a better advocate, a better employee, a better friend. I think that the thing I am not doing is trying to make a better me. I am so consumed with trying to WOW everyone and please everyone, somewhere I have forgot about trying to please me. I am taking on too much, I am too stressed out. I am letting my anxiety take over.

I recently read a blog I wrote three years ago, man I was smart then. I just need to remember to maintain balance in my life. I need to remember to make time for me. I also need to let things go. Don't worry about everyone else's problems. If I am not well, I won't be any good to anyone else. I need to build myself back up so I can get back out there and be a fully charged voice in the world.

Here is what I am going to do:

Pray more!
Love on my kids more!
Exercise more!
Read more!
Write more!
Love me more!

Thanks me 3 years ago for the words I needed!!!

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